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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Road Trip Dilemma: How will we solve it?

We were loaded into the car packed with healthy snacks and headed to New Orleans, Louisiana. As it got later, and we got hungrier, we faced a problem: where to eat? Mile after mile passed. Many signs popped up advertising chain restaurants. After a while the snacks weren't cutting it. Finally we were forced to stop at a place that left us loaded down and feeling sick for the rest of the ride. The service was sub-par, the atmosphere dismal, and I couldn't even tell you where it was located.

It struck me once again: don't we deserve more?

Our inspiration for a rest stop that restores was a result of this question.

The problem with many places along the highway is that every bite is generic. It could be so much more. A bite could contain flavors that were grown and cultivated within thirty miles of where you consume them. It certainly shouldn't make you feel uncomfortable for hours afterwards.  

Packing meals is wonderful, but then again, it's vacation isn't it? Sometimes all we want is to stop, prop up our feet and enjoy a guilt-free meal. This just isn't available to many people on the road.

A very few places have begun to set a higher bar, but hardly any are accessible to the weary traveler. If only one place could exemplify the value of a whole eating establishment along the highway, it could change so much. Everywhere and every day I find another person somewhere on his way to whole eating. People have begun to search but are barred in every direction by broken cuisine.

Change will have to start somewhere, and in many ways it has. It's amazing to see the way people are revolutionizing the way we eat everyday. This is often accomplished by simply going back to our roots. As we cull through the facts to find the truth, we can move forward.

I hope you'll join us in the journey!


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